Thor bu - Curiosia Indo-Tibetica

Textual and visual odds and ends from India, Tibet, and around.

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Location: Kolozsvár/Cluj, Budapest, Oxford, ibi ubi

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cāndravyākaraṇa in Copenhagen

A very handsome Nepalese ms. of the Candrasūtra/Cāndravyākaraṇa can be viewed by clicking on the above link. 

As far as I could see the date is not mentioned on the website. The versified colophon gives: muniyugasamudre ca (sic!), which would correspond to 7-4-4 = NS 447 = 1327 CE. The scribe also gives the time of the day, which is a bit unusual. I guess copying out a grammar is not an altogether unpleasant activity on a Monday night. 


Friday, February 04, 2011

Liebster blog award

The aim of the Liebster Blog Award is to bring recognition and exposure to small blogs who have less than 300 followers. If you accept the award, you then agree to tag three other small blogs that you would like to recommend to others. Thor bu received this award on, a site in Hungarian maintained by a dear colleague from back home.

So, to keep the ball rolling, I would like to nominate the following three blogs for the Liebster Blog Award:

1. Sārasvataṃ cakṣuḥ (
2. Tibeto-logic (
3. Granthinām (